Something that frustrates me is the onslaught of SPAM SEO emails from companies and individuals phishing for one’s information. I often receive forwards from clients sending me these emails asking me to look into the claims, or suggesting that we must be missing...
Remember the Nigerian scam messages way back when? Perhaps not so much way back when but quite awhile ago and still on occasion coming into my junk mail folder. Scams are annoying, fear mongering, and down right rude. In 10 email scams to watch out for, Debra Shinder...
Over the past 12 years consulting on web marketing I have answered countless questions but one question I receive often stands out from all; how to remove a Google penalty. The following is an example of a question I received in the past from a person named Patrick:...
If you find that your Yahoo email account is being hit with too much spam, all that junk may be significantly cut back in the very near future. On Jan 20th, it was announced that Yahoo will begin using the anti-spam services of Abaca to help protect Yahoo users from...
“Spam Spam Spam Sausage and Spam!” The words from the hilarious Monty Python sketch play unbounded in my mind every time I hear the word “Spam”. Unfortunately these days the inedible version of Spam is far from funny as it clogs our Internet...