Cuban’s Ice Rocket

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban is taking on a new challenge, Google. Last week, Cuban introduced ICE ROCKET, a new search tool that mixes algorithmic and meta search to produce very relevant results. Long-term Internet users will remember Cuban’s last...

Find.Com – New Business Search Engine

A new search engine focusing on business and industry was released earlier this week. Find.Com is a very interesting tool that seems to combine the “clustering” format of Vivisimo with the variety of a meta-crawler search tool. Owned by Empire Media of New...

PPC for Pennies – goClick great alternative to Google

If you are looking to spend some of your advertising dollars on Pay Per Click (PPC), but don’t care for the high prices of Google and Overture, you may want to take a look at some of the other PPC engines out there. Many PPC Engines charge set up fees and have...

Worlds 1st Accessible Search Engine – YouSearched.Com

The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.” Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web StepForth, (working quietly behind the scenes) is proud to be a part of the team...

Ask Jeeves Experiences the Butterfly Effect

This is becoming awfully familiar; once again AskJeeves has shown itself to be in a very reliable and powerful financial position! Thanks to the latest IPO rumors at Google, AskJeeves stock actually doubled since the first of March. The reason? Approximately 70% of...